Crystal Beach MM29 and Former Geocache

GCMYXW - Crystal Beach Geocache (no longer active)
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Webcam KA4UPC uplink

My tax bargain at mile marker 29 Pinellas trail - parcel# 35/27/15/00000/240/1000 - Pinellas County, FL

Post is at 28 deg 5.825 min N 82 deg 46.595 W el -6 geko 201 - geocache (not at post) is GCMYXW

Pic 1

The post is marked but hard to see in the reduced size

Pic 2b

Nice homes nearby

Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 4a Pic 4b

Just a short walk from my land

Pic 6 Pic 7 Pic 8