Pinellas County Bus Wizard
Routes that serve stops are shown to the right of the stop name. For best results, try to choose stops with a common route or with different routes that have a common stop. Most routes have two sets of timetables (normal and holiday, current as of 4/24/01). Some have a third schedule for Saturday which is not implemented yet.
The bus wizard will display all actual possibilities for your trip, some of which may surprise you. Not all may be practical since geographic coordinates have not yet been loaded for the stops. This was presented to PSTA at the April 25, 2001 Board of Directors meeting in Clearwater FL but there was no interest in supporting it.
11/3/01 - An access counter has shown about 2 lookups per day from April 25 to Nov 3 which is somewhat encouraging since the existence of this site was not publicized by the mainstream media. PSTA had told me that a much better program was being developed and when "the time was right" it would be announced. I offered this program to them for free in the hope that I might earn a little self-sufficiency in future support efforts by keeping time tables current and completing the intended functionality. If you want to see a program such as this evolve and improve, please contact officials at www.psta.net.
5/8/02 - Clean up glitches from Linux server updates. See Suncoast News volume 45 number 73 page 3 for article by Christopher Martinez. part 1 part 2
9/27/02 - Activity logs show this program is being used daily even though some of the schedule information may not be current. If you would like to see current schedules and other improvements, please take a moment to contact the official below and let him know that you think the Bus Wizard is useful and would like PSTA to be supportive of the project.
Calvin Harris Commissioner Pinellas County Pinellas County Commission Pinellas County Courthouse 315 Court Street Clearwater, FL 33756 Telephone: (727) 464-3360 Fax: (727) 464-3022 E-mail: charris@co.pinellas.fl.us PSTA Board of Directors Officer: Chairpersoncharris@co.pinellas.fl.us
4/20/03 - Bus Wizard II - A Palm Pilot program is under development that has a new set of features and a new mechanism. It does not depend on text-based web schedule information. By selecting two points on a map, it suggests routes, connections and estimated times WHEREVER THE BUSES NORMALLY TRAVEL!
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